Nel nono pianeta


Nel nono pianeta

Sono rimasta a braccia tese
nell’oscurità nascosta di tenebrosi misteri,
che rubano la luce alle stelle in lacrime
e la speranza coprono di ombre lontane
in un profondo affondarsi…

Lo sguardo si disperde
tra deboli raggi bianchi
del luccichio interrotto
nel frenetico viaggio
dell’orbita confusa
rimasta da qualche parte in sospeso .

Le nuvole, cuscino del dolore, dove la testa appoggio
svaniscono tra i ricordi in un attimo solo,

sulle labbra assetate dal bacio non sfiorato sensazioni difuse di aromi sconosciuti
proiettati nell’immagine fissato nello spazio.

Da qualche parte …, da qualche parte., ti potrei trovare
dietro un angolo dimenticato
una panchina solitaria,
nell’alba ritornata
con la luce del mattino
e nel sorriso della sera
dissolto in un unico flusso
un colore,
un bagliore
l’essenza della riflessione

sul nono pianeta,
l’impronta temporale
sillabato nello spazio, che solo noi viviamo!

@ julja

Vol “Tejkalim”

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Juljana Mehmeti ( Albania- Italy) Juljana Mehmeti was born in the city of Durres, in Albania. Since she was a child she became fond about literature and writing, especially poetry, a genre that in the following years will turn into a real life motive, a way to better express her ideas, her thoughts, her visions and metaphysics , her point of view according to her consciousness but also improving the awareness of the same suggestion that surrounds the human world. The first book “Soft – Poems” published in Italian language attracted the attention of publishers and Italian literary criticism, not only for its particular style, but also for new words, the language used, the philosophical message and the currents present in her poems that go from Hermetism to Surrealism. The second book comes from the field of translation entitled “Vramendje” – (Rimugino “) of the Italian author Alessandro Ferrucci Marcucci Pinoli, which will constitute the first experience in this field, but will also strengthen his long-standing conviction, to know and translate in his language, many popular Italian authors.. The collection of poems “Oltrepassare” is her new book, which presents itself with the new tendencies of Albanian literature, postmodernism and universal consciousness, from experimental currents to absurdity. She published in English language “In his light” (Demer Press, 2019 and in Italian language "Namasté” (Libri di – Versi in Diversi Libri- 2020). She currently lives and works in Ancona, Italy.